Thursday, February 1, 2007

Depths of Winter

Winter is in full force and everyone seems to be having coughs and congestion so I am obsessed with garlic. Obviously! lol

I am from the Southwest where garlic, chilies and onion are staples in our diet. Here, most folks eat these 'wonder drugs' in the form of salsas and a delicious fresh topper called Pico de Gallo. Pico is varying amounts (depending on taste) of tomato, onion, garlic, jalapeno, fresh cilantro, lime juice and a bit of sugar and salt. This is all coarse chopped, tossed and left to marinate in the refrigerator for a couple of hours. This lets the flavors blend. It is then used on just about anything from plain chips to the evening entree.

While I'm on an allicin binge, it might be good to note something a venerable, old Chinese healer once told me about onion. He instructed me to make sure every male in the family ate an onion a day. He said a small to medium one, cooked or raw, would ensure that they never had prostate problems. I haven't seen any western scientific studies that verified this. Knowing his abilities and that he has a couple of thousand years of written history in natural medicine behind him, I trust his advice.

So, all you men (and women who love them) out there remember, "An onion a day keeps prostate cancer away!"

1 comment:

Bobby D. said...

You know what they say

--an onion a day keeps the stroke away---

as well as coughs and colds etc...

pico de gallo is wonderful...